"Pixelated Prism" Bowl 16" Round


Dive into the digital age with "Pixelated Prism," a fused glass bowl that's a feast for the eyes, melding the allure of traditional craftsmanship with a contemporary, pixel-art aesthetic. This piece features a dazzling array of tiny, square-shaped colored glass pieces, meticulously arranged to create an effect reminiscent of a finely detailed, high-resolution image. When light hits the surface of cool blues and purples to warm pinks and yellows, it brings the intricate design to life, emphasizing the depth and complexity of this modern masterpiece. This piece is a vibrant centerpiece that combines playful charm with sophisticated artistry, sure to spark curiosity and admiration in any setting.

Artist: Abby Garner

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Green and Cream Tray with Red, Black and Brown Center 12" x 7"
Glass Sculpture Dish Set 8" x 8" bottom plate
Black and Red Squared Bowl 11” x 11”
Brown, Blue and Cream Tray 9-1/2" x 5"
Sunrise Sunset Bowl 10" Round